Friday, September 28, 2012

Busy week what day is it.

Well hello again,

    It's Friday night and we just got back from our Bonya evening with the boy's. So we got a half day off for site seeing which we went to the market and some other shops here in Tambov. I believe we have meet their expectations and have gotten more accomplished than they thought 3 men from Idaho could do. We started on the second floor flooring which wasn't on the List this trip, which we have more than half of it done. So tomorrow we will be pouring concrete on the radianet heated floor that the plumbers have been putting in for three days now. It is really starting to take shape and the guys are feeling like we have really made a difference. We are all realizing that are time is short and starting to look forward to coming home to see are families and larger cars with smoother roads.         This Sunday is their Harvest festival which will be celibrating  with the church before we get on the night train back to Moscow for our trip home which we will arrive back in Boise the same day when it took two to get here, so see you soon,       - Craig

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 7 Tambov

Well hello Boise or Idaho,

      We got up early and went to Rafele's Church sorry for the spelling, they showed us the property they just purchased. It was very interesting to see a different church and how they conduct their service. It's amazing that you can tell what they are singing by the melody of the songs. This is our big day of rest we might get chance to go out and see the city, with Jenny while Anya is at the orphanage. All is going well here and making progress on the church we well have the plumber coming on Monday to put in the radiant heated floors so we can do the concrete, work the rest of the time. I will try to see if I can post some of my pic's with it his post if not I ll be bring them home to show you all.  -Craig

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 4 Tambov

Hello again from Tambov,
     Well we had another productive day at the church building. The windows came in and Scott got those hung, Steve and myself started working on the metal stair case welding the stair platform. We also hung a little sheetrock on the ceiling. That was today yesterday we did finished all of the blocking up of unwanted windows and doors we all wanted to get that done just not have it over our heads. The food has been really great and plentiful. Everyone has been really great around us Onyha and Jenny talk Russia when they don't want us to know They took us to there new apartment for ice cream last night. Had my first ever taxi ride last night back to the sleeping church. Well going to sign off for now will try and figured out how to down load some pictures.  - Craig

Monday, September 17, 2012

Construction team

Well now that I can read and got past all of my issue lets try it again.  We arrived safely so thanks for your prayers. We saw red square, ate some Russia food, went though all of the train stations  Saw a rebuilt Russia church in Moscow got on the night train, for Tambov arrived at 07:30 then came to the church where we are staying took showers then off to church till 15:00. Went to see the building we are working on then came back for some down time before dinner at Donna's a missionary friend of the church then got home in bed by 12:30. Work up at 07:00 to get ready for our first big day. Started off by unloading a truck of dry wall then started on blocking up some doors and windows. Started setting them in mortar after lunch well finish them off and start installing windows Ana's ceiling dry wall tomorrow. Both of my partners are sleeping so I should join them more to follow.     -Craig

Friday, September 14, 2012

They're Off!

Hello Everyone,

I felt like I was sending my kids off to school--boarding school far away--when I said good-bye to Scott, Steve and Craig this morning.  By now they are already on the ground in Chicago where they will likely have a final taste of American food, then head to Frankfurt, Moscow and Tambov.  They are due to arrive in Tambov at around 9:00 PM our time Saturday night.

Please pray for these guys and check here for news from them.  They're equipped with a camera and instructions to document what they accomplish alongside all the Russian friends who will be working on the building.

Thanks to University Bible Church, Magic Valley Bible Church and Heritage Bible Church for caring enough to send the very best.

Scott Sweet
--Jim Harris
Craig Edwards

Steve Peyrollaz (and wife Samantha, a veteran of Tambov)