Friday, September 28, 2012

Busy week what day is it.

Well hello again,

    It's Friday night and we just got back from our Bonya evening with the boy's. So we got a half day off for site seeing which we went to the market and some other shops here in Tambov. I believe we have meet their expectations and have gotten more accomplished than they thought 3 men from Idaho could do. We started on the second floor flooring which wasn't on the List this trip, which we have more than half of it done. So tomorrow we will be pouring concrete on the radianet heated floor that the plumbers have been putting in for three days now. It is really starting to take shape and the guys are feeling like we have really made a difference. We are all realizing that are time is short and starting to look forward to coming home to see are families and larger cars with smoother roads.         This Sunday is their Harvest festival which will be celibrating  with the church before we get on the night train back to Moscow for our trip home which we will arrive back in Boise the same day when it took two to get here, so see you soon,       - Craig

1 comment:

  1. I never doubted that you would exceed their expectations. Well done!
    Vadim has Facebooked a few photos, so we knew you were doing upstairs flooring and I figured that was a good thing because I know their goals all involved the ground floor.
