Friday, September 14, 2012

They're Off!

Hello Everyone,

I felt like I was sending my kids off to school--boarding school far away--when I said good-bye to Scott, Steve and Craig this morning.  By now they are already on the ground in Chicago where they will likely have a final taste of American food, then head to Frankfurt, Moscow and Tambov.  They are due to arrive in Tambov at around 9:00 PM our time Saturday night.

Please pray for these guys and check here for news from them.  They're equipped with a camera and instructions to document what they accomplish alongside all the Russian friends who will be working on the building.

Thanks to University Bible Church, Magic Valley Bible Church and Heritage Bible Church for caring enough to send the very best.

Scott Sweet
--Jim Harris
Craig Edwards

Steve Peyrollaz (and wife Samantha, a veteran of Tambov)

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