Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 4 Tambov

Hello again from Tambov,
     Well we had another productive day at the church building. The windows came in and Scott got those hung, Steve and myself started working on the metal stair case welding the stair platform. We also hung a little sheetrock on the ceiling. That was today yesterday we did finished all of the blocking up of unwanted windows and doors we all wanted to get that done just not have it over our heads. The food has been really great and plentiful. Everyone has been really great around us Onyha and Jenny talk Russia when they don't want us to know They took us to there new apartment for ice cream last night. Had my first ever taxi ride last night back to the sleeping church. Well going to sign off for now will try and figured out how to down load some pictures.  - Craig

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Craig and team members!

    I read your post and tried to comment, but it only took me two days to finally figure out how to log in.

    We're so thankful for your service. Wow, after seeing just bare 2x4's inside when we were there in January, it's exciting to hear about windows and sheetrock. Looking forward to seeing pictures! Keep up the good work.

    LOL at Jenni and Anya talking in Russian so they don't want us to know things. Ha! I also laughed in memory of my own first taxi ride in Russia.
    Tell those great girls hello from Megan. You're lucky. I got to see Anya in action on the first trip. I got to see Jenni in action on the second. But you actually get to see DOUBLE TROUBLE! :)

    Can't wait for PICTURES!
    Megan Eberhardt and your friends at HBC
